%0 Journal Article %T Toeplitz operators with L^1 symbols on the weighted Bergman spaces %A Zhonghua He %A Guangfu Cao %J International Journal of Mathematical Analysis %D 2013 %I %X This paper characterizes the boundedness and compactness of aToeplitz operator on the weighted Bergman space with a L1 symbol.This result extends known results in the cases when the symbol is eithera positive L1 function, an L¡Þ function or a general BMO1 function.In addition, we also give some estimates about the norm and essentialnorm of Toeplitz operators with L1 symbols. %K Essential norms %K Bergman space %K Toeplitz operator %K the Berezin transform %U http://www.m-hikari.com/ijma/ijma-2013/ijma-5-8-2013/hezhonghuaIJMA5-8-2013.pdf