%0 Journal Article %T Del debate a la propaganda pol赤tica mediante la Querella de las Mujeres en Juan Rodr赤guez del Padr車n, Diego de Valera y 芍lvaro de Luna %A Serrano %A Florence %J Talia Dixit : Revista Interdisciplinar de Ret車rica e Historiograf赤a %D 2012 %I Universidad de Extremadura %X This article analyzes three works composed one after another during the reign of John IIof Castile, probably in its more unrestrained period, between 1438 and 1446, in the light of thepolitical, cultural and literary background they reveal: Juan Rodr赤guez del Padr車n*s Triunfo de las donas,Diego de Valera*s Defensa de virtuosas mujeres and 芍lvaro de Luna*s Virtuosas e claras mugeres. These areprecious testimonies of different political tendencies which were opposed at that time. In fact, as faras ideology is concerned, the two latest works can be read as rewritings which tend to replace thesubversive political lesson contained in Juan Rodr赤guez del Padr車n*s treatise %K Triunfo de las donas %K Juan Rodr赤guez del Padr車n %K Defensa de virtuosas mujeres %K Diego de Valera %K Virtuosas e claras mugeres %K 芍lvaro de Luna %K politics %K women*s quarrel. %U http://www.eweb.unex.es/eweb/arengas/td7.Serrano.pdf