%0 Journal Article %T EFFECTIVENESS OF COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIES USED IN TEACHING HISTORY ON ACHIEVEMENT AND INTEREST IN HISTORY AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL. %A ANITA NITIN SANAP %J Golden Research Thoughts %D 2013 %I Laxmi Book Publication %R 10.9780/22315063 %X Concurrent with the process of globalization, the pendulum in education is swaying towards interactive ways of learning / teaching. Education, in the past decades, has experienced a shifting paradigm from text based pedagogy to contextfocused andragogy. And some modern approaches like cooperative learning; collaborative learning or contributive learning is rapidly evolving by virtue of the demand of such a context. Collaborative learning intends to recalibrate teachers attention and concentration towards the significance of some factors of critical importance to effective learning such as 'affective filter', 'exposure', 'pushed output', 'purposeful communication' 'attention' and some other crucial significant context variables like 'motivation' and 'active engagement' of all learners in the process of learning in a semi-authentically analytical and suggestive feedback (S. M. H. Hosseini, 2007). All these pivotal factors are to a large extent neglected by the outdated instructional models like our traditional teacher -fronted chalk- and- talk system which would no longer be effective. This research makes an attempt to highlight the significance of collaborative learning as the need of the hour in today's world especially in the context of globalization. %K Effectiveness %K achievement %K collaborative %K History %K strategies. %U http://www.aygrt.isrj.net/UploadedData/2409.pdf