%0 Journal Article %T Los discursos militares en la Batracomiomaquia %A Gonz¨¢lez Delgado %A Ramiro %J Talia Dixit : Revista Interdisciplinar de Ret¨®rica e Historiograf¨ªa %D 2008 %I Universidad de Extremadura %X Military speeches in Batrachomyomachia¡±. In this paper, we show that the militaryspeeches that appear in Batrachomyomachia are creations of a poet playing with the Greekliterary tradition. We analyse their distinctive qualities, their elements and functions, as wellas their interrelations. Finally, we try making a classification according to rhetorical norms %K Greek Literature. Epic. Rhetoric. Military speeches. Harangue. Parody %U http://www1.unex.es/arengas/td3Gonzalezdelgado.pdf