%0 Journal Article %T A Lusitania liberata ou a Restaura o Portuguesa em imagens: an¨¢lise iconol¨®gica do conjunta das gravuras da obra de Ant¨®nio de Sousa de Macedo %A Prestre de Almeida %A Lilian %J Talia Dixit : Revista Interdisciplinar de Ret¨®rica e Historiograf¨ªa %D 2011 %I Universidad de Extremadura %X Iconological analysis of the ensemble of pictures from the Lusitania Liberata published in London in 1645 and written by Antonio de Sousa Macedo. The book is illustrated with 13 original prints of figures of ancient or contemporary historical events. Written in Latin, it defends the Portuguese Restoration of 1640, using historical and legal arguments. Most of the images have not been subject to systematic analysis. The book is a work of propaganda defending a nationalist thesis. The Lusitania Liberata develops its argument from the rhetoric of a particular symbolic universe connected to Portuguese messianism. %K Portuguese Restoration %K iconological analysis %K nationalist discourse %K symbolic universe %K messianism. %U http://www1.unex.es/arengas/td6.PRESTRE.pdf