%0 Journal Article %T Environment Design Support Model= Fiziksel evre Tasar m Destek Modeli %A ¨¹mit Arpac£¿o£¿lu %J tasar£¿m + kuram %D 2012 %I Mimar Sinan G¨¹zel Sanatlar ?niversitesi Mimarl?k Fak¨¹ltesi %X G¨¹n mimarl n temel girdilerinden birisidir. Tasar mda, g¨¹n ile di er fiziksel evre verileri aras ndaki ba kuracak ve g¨¹ lendirecek, tasar mc ya destek olacak bilgi da arc n n olu mas gerekmektedir. al mada, g¨¹n ile fiziksel evre konular n n mekan ve tasar mla ili kisini kuran bir model geli tirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Olu turulan ¡°Tasar m Destek Modeli¡±in de tasar mc n n her tasar m i in fiziksel evre e iliminin farkl olaca kabul¨¹ yap lmakta ve Analitik Hiyerar i Y ntemi (AHP)(Analytic Hierarchy Process) kullanarak tasar mc n n e ilimi, tasar mc ile etkile imli olarak belirlenmektedir. Belirli bir mekan i in g¨¹n ve fiziksel evre z¨¹mlemesi her bir fakt r i in yap ld ktan sonra olu turulan model, belirlenen sorunlara kar tasar mc ya z¨¹m alternatifleri sunmaktad r. z¨¹m alternatiflerini tasar mc n n tasar m i in de erlendirebilmesi i in yine AHP matematiksel karar verme y ntemi kullan larak, sorunlar ile ili kili bir karar a rl olu turulmaktad r. B ylece geli tirilen model, tasar mc lar n tasarlad klar mekanlarda kullan c konforunu sa lamalar na, mekansal kaliteyi artt rmalar na yard mc olacakt r. As design processes become more and more complex, the expectations architects face become greater and greater. In meeting these expectations and creating high quality spaces, the extent of the architect¡¯ knowledge and how they apply it to their design are obviously important factors. The study discusses the problems concerning day light, the designer and the design process. The ¡°Design Support Model¡± is constructed with the definiton of its hypotheses and detailed descriptions of the stages of the model. Explanation of how the model will mediate an interaction between the designer and all the daylight-related environment parameters are also included in this part. identify the designer¡¯s tendency. For each factor of the space, the daylight and environment analyses have been made to come up with a model, which provides the designer with alternative solutions to the identified problems. In order for the designer to evaluate these alternative solutions, the AHP method for mathematical decision-making is used, and the relative weights of decision criteria related to problems is formed. %K G¨¹n %K Enerji %K Fiziksel evre %K Is sal Konfor %K Erken Tasar m %K Mimari Tasar m %K Analitik Hiyerar ik Y ntemi (AHP) %K Tasar m Destek Modeli %U http://tasarimkuram.msgsu.edu.tr/index.php/tasarimkuram/article/view/151