%0 Journal Article %T A Historical Industrial Building Beside the Golden Horn: Unkapan Mill= Hali K y s nda Tarihi bir Sanayi Yap s : Unkapan De irmeni %A F¨¹sun Se£¿er Karipta£¿ %J tasar£¿m + kuram %D 2011 %I Mimar Sinan G¨¹zel Sanatlar ?niversitesi Mimarl?k Fak¨¹ltesi %X D¨¹nyada end¨¹stri arkeolojisi kavram , 20.y¨¹zy l n ikinci yar s nda ortaya kan ve mekanik ara larla ve d¨¹zeneklerle mal veya hizmet ¨¹retme etkinli ini ve bu ama la olu turulmu zg¨¹n mimariyi b¨¹t¨¹nsel olarak kendisine konu alan bir bilimsel disiplindir. End¨¹stri arkeolojisi denilince yaln zca end¨¹stri a nda ¨¹retim-imalat yap lan yap lar ve aletlerini a r t rsa da, asl nda t¨¹m d nemlerdeki donan mlar anla lmaktad r. End¨¹stri arkeolojisi kapsam ndaki t¨¹m kaynaklar, end¨¹stri miras n olu turur. Bu miras n gelecek ku aklara aktar labilmesi, yap lar uygun bir i levle kent hayat na kazand rman n yan s ra, zg¨¹n kimliklerini de korumayla sa lanabilir. stanbul¡¯da bulunan end¨¹stri miraslar ndan biri de Unkapan De irmeni¡¯dir. Bu yaz da end¨¹stri yap lar n n korunarak yeniden kullan m anlay yla, Unkapan De irmeni hakk nda bilgi verilmi tir. Bu nedenle ncelikle yap n n tarih esi, konum ve evre zelliklerinden bahsedilmi , daha sonra yap ld 1870 y l ndan g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹ze kadar ge irmi oldu u de i im mimari a dan irdelenerek, elde edilen bulgular plan ve cephe izimleri ile desteklenmi ; sonu b l¨¹m¨¹nde de yap n n ya at lmas i in z¨¹m nerisinde bulunulmu tur. Today, lack of consciousness and acts of wrong preservation constitute a big threat on the demolishment of historical industrial buldings. These buildings which in time have lost their functions have not been given as much importance as the other monumental building types and thus not been well preserved. With the development of technology and establishment of new factories, mills, like many industrial buildings, lost their function and were abandoned to be demolished. Only very recently have these buildings been considered as industry¡¯s historical witnesses and been taken under preservation. One of 19th century industrial buildings, which has lost its function today and become a ruin very quickly as a result of remaining unused, is Unkapan Mill. The aim of this essay is to enable the registration of Unkapan Mill by documenting its destruction day by day so that it will be taken under preservation at least from now on. firstly, the history of the building, its location and the characteristics of its surroundings are explained. Then the changes it underwent since the time it was built, are analyzed from an architectural perspective. findings are supported with planimetric drawings and elevations; as a result, a solution is proposed to reanimate the building. %K End¨¹stri miras %K end¨¹stri yap s %K de irmen %K Unkapan %K Unkapan De irmeni %U http://tasarimkuram.msgsu.edu.tr/index.php/tasarimkuram/article/view/60