%0 Journal Article %T Universal Approaches to Global Bathroom Design= Banyo Tasar m na Evrensel Yakla mlar %A £żenay Boduro£żlu %J tasar£żm + kuram %D 2011 %I Mimar Sinan G¨ızel Sanatlar ?niversitesi Mimarl?k Fak¨ıltesi %X Evrensel tasar m kullan c y temel alan, sadece engelli insanlar ¨ızerine odaklanmayan, b¨ıt¨ın insanlar kapsayan bir tasar m yakla m d r. Evrensel tasar m n tan mlanmas nda ve uygulama a amas nda a k bir ekilde ifade edilen ama udur: Tasarlanan ¨ır¨ınlerin, yap lar n ve evrelerin farkl l ¨ılere ve yeteneklere sahip b¨ıt¨ın kullan c gruplar taraf ndan e it artlarda kullan labilir olmas sa lanmal d r. Bu al mada banyo tasar m nda uygulanmas gereken evrensel zellikler belirlenmi tir. Banyolarda evrensel olarak tasarlanacak b l¨ımler s ralanm , tasar m zellikleri ve kullan lmas gereken ¨ır¨ınler ekiller ve resimler yard m yla a klanm t r. Universal design is a user based approach to design including every human being, not only the handicapped. The main purpose expressed plainly in the definition and application of universal design is this: The design products, buildings and environments should have equal usage conditions for all user groups that have different dimensions and abilities from each other. The parts that are to be designed universally in bathrooms are stated, the products to be used and design properties are explained with the help of sketches and photos. %K Banyo tasar m %K Evrensel tasar m %U http://tasarimkuram.msgsu.edu.tr/index.php/tasarimkuram/article/view/68