%0 Journal Article %T EJES TEMATICOS EN LA INVESTIGACI車N SOBRE FORMACI車N DE PROFESORES PARA EDUCACI車N AMBIENTAL EN EL BRASIL: UN ESTUDIO DE MONOGRAF赤AS Y TESIS EN LAS 芍REAS DE EDUCACI車N Y ENSE ANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS Y LAS MATEM芍TICAS (2003-2007) %A DANIELE CRISTINA DE SOUZA %J Gondola : Enseˋanza y Aprendizaje de las Ciencias %D 2011 %I Grupo de Investigaci車n Ense?anza y Aprendizaje de la F赤sica Universidad Distrital %X We did an art state of research on training teachers/educators, in Environmental Education (EE). Into abstracts analysis on dissertations and theses, from the thesis bank in the CAPES, Brazil. In this paper we present the main themes of 130 research produced in post-graduate courses, about Education field, and, teaching Science and Mathematics, (2003-2007). We identified three themes: (1) identity and professionalization in EE, whose theme includes analyses about conceptions , representations, perceptions, or world*s views, and its relationship to educational practice, and specific studies about construction of Teacher identity (53.49%), (2) analysis of the nature and/or impact of a training intervention (44.18%), and (3) theoretical studies on teacher training in EE, that contribute on teacher training in EE (2.32%). %K State of the art %K Teacher Training %K Environmental Education %K Postgraduate %U http://www.udistrital.edu.co/wpmu/geaf/files/2012/09/2011Vol6No1-006.pdf