%0 Journal Article %T T¨¹ketim, N¨¹fus Ve evre Sorunlar : Orant s z Denklem %A Recep Ardo£¿an %J Tarih K¨¹lt¨¹r ve Sanat Ara£¿t£¿rmalar£¿ Dergisi %D 2012 %I Karabuk University %X zetG¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde artan evre sorunlar , insan-do a ili kilerini yeniden ele almay gerektirmektir. Bu konuda kar m za kan temel bir hata, d¨¹nyan n mevcut n¨¹fusunu ve n¨¹fus art n , evre sorunlar n n temel bir nedeni olarak tan mlamakt r. Oysa az nl k n¨¹fusun t¨¹ketimi o unlu un t¨¹ketiminden kat kat fazlad r. Bu makale insanlar aras ndaki bu orant s z t¨¹ketim ili kisi ¨¹zerine de erlendirmelerde bulunmaktad r. AbstractEnvironment problems that are increased recently necessitate studying relation between human and nature. In this issue, the illustrating of the present population and population growth as a major factor of environment problems is a misconception. Whereas, consumption of minority group of the world has been exceeding multiplex the volume of the consumption of others people. This study examines the consumption inequalities between different social strata. %K T¨¹ketim %K n¨¹fus %K n¨¹fus art %K evre sorunlar %K ekolojik denge %K slam %K Consumption %K population %K population growth %K environment problems %K ecological balance %K Islam and environment. %U http://kutaksam.karabuk.edu.tr/index.php/ilk/article/view/118