%0 Journal Article %T The Evaluation Information-Communication Technologies in Schools / Hodnotenie informa no-komunika nych technol¨®gi¨ª v kol¨¢ch %A Zelina Miron %J Technol¨®gia vzdel¨¢vania %D 2011 %I %X This article discusses the evaluation of the use of ICT resources in the educational process. It lists functions of ICT, an overview of different approaches, theories for the evaluation of their use and effectiveness. Introduces criteria used at present in Slovakia in the evaluation of the work that teachers send to the competitions. Author discusses the possibilities for implementation of the cameras for recording classes in the educational process. He cautions about possible adverse effects and inappropriate and ineffective use of ICT resources.Pr¨ªspevok diskutuje na t¨¦mu hodnotenia pou itia IKT prostriedkov v eduka nom procese. Uv¨¢dza funkcie IKT, preh ad rozli nych pr¨ªstupov, te¨®ri¨ª k hodnoteniu ich pou itia a ¨² innosti. Oboznamuje s krit¨¦riami, ktor¨¦ sa pou ¨ªvaj¨² v s¨² asnosti na Slovensku pri hodnoten¨ª pr¨¢c, ktor¨¦ u itelia posielaj¨² do s¨² a ¨ª. Diskutuje o mo nostiach implement¨¢cie kamier do tried na sn¨ªmanie eduka n¨¦ho procesu. Upozor¨¾uje na mo n¨¦ negat¨ªvne vplyvy a ne¨² eln¨¦ vyu itie IKT prostriedkov %K Information - communication technologies %K evaluation criteria %K teacher %K the pros and cons of using ICT %K cameras in classrooms %U http://technologiavzdelavania.ukf.sk/index.php/tv/article/view/1514