%0 Journal Article %T Response to Jakobsson on Human Body Shields %A Walter E. Block %J Libertarian Papers %D 2010 %I Ludwig von Mises Institute %X A grabs B and uses him as a body shield. That is, A hides behind B (A renders B helpless to resist his grasp), and from that vantage point, shoots at C. According to libertarian theory, may B shoot at C, or, is it proper that C pull the trigger at B? In the view of Rothbard (1984), the former is correct: B is entitled to gun down C. In my (Block, forthcoming) view, this is incorrect. Rather, it would be lawful to C to properly kill B. (Both Rothbard and I assume that neither B nor C can end A¡¯s reign of terror). Jakobsson (2010) supports the Rothbardian position. The present paper is at an attempt of mine to refute Jakobsson, and, thus, also, Rothbard (1984), once again. %K libertarianism %K non-aggression %U http://libertarianpapers.org/2010/25-block-response-to-jakobsson-on-human-body-shields/