%0 Journal Article %T A Study on the Parcel Morphology and Multiflat Blocks Typology: The Case of Galata= Parsel morfolojisi ve apartman tipolojileri ¨ızerine bir al ma: Galata rne i %A Derin £żncel %J tasar£żm + kuram %D 2011 %I Mimar Sinan G¨ızel Sanatlar ?niversitesi Mimarl?k Fak¨ıltesi %X 19. Y¨ızy l' n ikinci yar s Tanzimat reformlar n n kent l e inde ¨ır¨ınlerini ald bir d nemdir. Bat l anlamda yap lanan ilk belediye uygulamas olan 6. Daire Belediyesi bu d nemin nemli bir rne ini olu turur. Beyo lu B lgesi'nde (Galata Tophane Pera ve i hane) al malar na ba layan bu kurum. 1857'de kuruldu unda. Galata, surlarla evrili, dar sokaklar ve s k k mimar dokusuyla, d nemin gittik e geli en ticaret i levini s¨ırd¨ırmekte zorlan yordu. Galata'n n d sur duvarlar n n evreledi i alan, e itli etnik gruplar n konut b lgelerini, k y kesiminde ise Karak y Liman ile Per embe Pazar 'nda, b¨ıy¨ık bir olas l kla Ceneviz D nemi zgara sistem sokak yap s yla, ticaret alanlar n kaps yordu. Osmanl mparatorlu umun en nemli d ticaret liman-lar ndan biri olan Karak y Liman ve h zla geli en ticaret aktivitesi. kentin bu b lgesinde k kl¨ı bir yeniden yap lanma s¨ıreci gerektiriyordu. Bu d nemde ticaretin geli iyor olmas daha geni yollar ve binalar (ticaret han-lar ) gerektirdi inden, alan olarak da geni leyen Galata'n n ticari b lgesi, konut b lgesini de do al olarak uzakla t r yordu. Sonu la, konut b lgesi daha kuzeye kayarak Kule evresi, yeni planlanan T¨ınel Meydan ve Taksim'e do ru geli ecek ve Osmanl konul mimarisi yeni bir konut tipinin ilk rneklerini bu b lgelerde verecektir. The second half of the 19 th Century is a peri-od in which the effects of Tanzimat reforms in urban scale have taken place. The 6th Municipality Department which is the first municipality structured according to western urban management concepts, is an important example of that period. Surrounded by old city walls with its narrow streets and dense urban texture Galata, was having difficulty maintain-ing its trading function when the 6 th Dept. Municipality was established in 1857 in Beyo lu District Galata, Tophane, Pera, i li. The area surrounded by the outer city walls of Galata was the residential area of various elli-ni: groups. The coastal region of Karak y and Per embe Pazar District with a probably Genoesean grid plan was the commercial area. The need for broader streets and commercial buildings and rapidly developing commercial activity in this period had necessitated the radical restructuring of Karak y coast which was one of the most important seaports of the Ottoman Empire. Finally, those functional transformations in the district have led to the development of residential areas around Galata Tower, towards T¨ınel Square and Taksim, and this was the area on which the new examples of Ottoman civil architecture had been raised on. %K 19. Y¨ızy l %K Galata %K 6. Daire (Beyo lu) Belediyesi %K Parsel Morfolojisi %K Apartman. %U http://tasarimkuram.msgsu.edu.tr/index.php/tasarimkuram/article/view/136