%0 Journal Article %T Fabula es do Ex¨Şlio / Exile fables %A Grazielle Aleixo Reis %J Linguagens e Di¨˘logos %D 2010 %I Linguagens e Di¨˘logos %X This paper aims at proposing a reflection on the various figurations of the Brazilian nation at the various rewritings of the poem "Song of the Exile", Gon alves Dias, whose central theme revolves around the question of nationality as a fictional construction. Thus, we intend to make a brief statement of fables created by the poetic imagery of the nineteenth century to today, strengthening the hypothesis that the idea of nation is tied to the notion of fictional construct. %K fiction %K nation %K fables %U http://linguagensedialogos.com.br/2010.2/textos/07-art-grazielle.pdf