%0 Journal Article %T Feedback em contextos de ensino-aprendizagem on-line / Feedback in distance education %A Ana Carolina Sim£żes Cardoso %J Linguagens e Di¨˘logos %D 2011 %I Linguagens e Di¨˘logos %X This article is a theoretical review of feedback in on-line education. To start with, I discuss the different definitions of feedback pointed out by some researchers (VRASIDA e MCISAAC, 1999; MASON e BRUNING, 2003; SHUTE, 2007; PAIVA, 2003). Then, I present the roles attributed to feedback in on-line educational settings, based on the literature (BELLONI, 2009; SHUTE, 2007; WHITE, 2003, VRASIDAS e MCISAAC, 1999; PAIVA, 2003, VETROMILLE-CASTRO, 2003). Furthermore, I indicate and categorize the different types of feedback and discuss teacher feedback, automatic feedback and student feedback in more detail. Based on Shute (2007), I offer some suggestions for the provision of feedback in on-line courses. To conclude the article, I point out the need for studies on this issue and suggest possible themes for researches on feedback in on-line education. %K feedback %K feedback in on-line education %K types of feedback %K distance education %U http://linguagensedialogos.com.br/2011.2/textos/02-art-anacarolina.pdf