%0 Journal Article %T Do ensino da l¨ªngua ¨¤ l¨ªngua no ensino %A Ol¨ªvia Maria Ferreira Gon£¿alves Figueiredo %J Linguarum Arena : Revista do Programa Doutoral em Did¨¢ctica de L¨ªnguas da Universidade do Porto %D 2011 %I Universidade do Porto %X In this article we offer an overview of the main trends that have been the methodological basis of the field of mother tongue didactics, particular by over the last fifty years, relating essential aspects such as: psychological, linguistic and pedagogical. Methods based on essential traits of communicative methodology are analysed. The need to establish principles aimed at pointing out each learning situation are highlighted. %K Language didactics %K mother tongue %K communicative methodology %K learning strategies. %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/9837.pdf