%0 Journal Article %T Everybody knows English? Language use in the world of learning %A Krista Varantola %J Lingu¨ªstica : Revista de Estudos Lingu¨ªsticos da Universidade do Porto %D 2012 %I Universidade do Porto %X This article will focus on the use of English as a global means of communication in higher education (HE) and research. The use of English is taken for granted as a global means of communication in the academic world. Therefore language issues are rarely problematized in science-policy contexts. This article will try to make the language issue visible by addressing aspects of a use of a lingua franca from a historical and pragmatic perspective and discuss its effects on everyday university life in non-Englishspeaking countries. %K global English %K internationalization of HE and research %K invisibility of language %K differences between natural sciences and social sciences %K ethical aspects. %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/10748.pdf