%0 Journal Article %T O professor de LE em forma o ¨C desafios e possibilidades na era digital / Pre-service FL teachers ¨C challenges and possibilities in the digital era %A K¨˘tia Modesto Val¨Śrio %A Heloisa Liberto %J Linguagens e Di¨˘logos %D 2011 %I Linguagens e Di¨˘logos %X This article concerns an exploratory research conducted in academic context with pre-service English language teachers. In order to understand their perceptions on the incorporation of an online component to the program of their undergraduate course, we used ethnographic tools to approach their views on the teaching-learning process mediated by new Web 2.0 tools. Possibly due to their adherence to traditional learning models, the undergraduate students surveyed tended to use the World Wide Web preferably as source of information without exploring the features afforded by Web 2.0. Results indicate that the changes imposed by the digital age demand a new attitude on the part of the learner and their acclimatization to ICTs still requires patient and gradual work. The study also indicates that hybrid courses might be a fertile field for the scaffolding to these changes. %K FL pre-service teachers %K collaborative learning %K web 2.0 %K perception %K hybrid course %U http://linguagensedialogos.com.br/2011.2/textos/01-art-katia-heloisa.pdf