%0 Journal Article %T ¡°¡°Tornar-se mestre de si¡±: sobre a atualidade ¨¦tico-educativa de um desafio cl¨¢ssico = ¡°Becoming the master of yourself¡±: on the current ethicaleducational relevance of a classical challenge %A Angelo Vit¨®rio Cenci %J Linhas Cr¨ªticas %D 2012 %I Universidade de Bras¨ªlia %X O presente texto prop e-se a revisitar Arist¨®teles, Kant e Piaget com o prop¨®sito de identificar, em tais autores, contribui es para tematizar uma problem¨¢tica central ¨¤ esfera da educa o moral, a saber, o ¡°tornar-se mestre de si¡±. Apesar da distancia temporal e das diferen as te¨®ricas existentes entre os tr¨ºs autores, defende-se a posi o de que as suas abordagens convergem na defesa da necessidade do desenvolvimento, no indiv¨ªduo, da capacidade de dom¨ªnio de si. Tal dom¨ªnio possibilita ao sujeito fazer frente ¨¤ imediatez dos desejos e constituise como condi o para alcan ar um n¨ªvel satisfat¨®rio de coer¨ºncia entre o ju¨ªzo moral e a a o. Em ¨²ltima instancia, quando vinculada ao campo da forma o moral, essa problem¨¢tica indica a necessidade de educar os sujeitos de modo a criar condi es para se autorregularem moralmente. This paper is aimed at revisiting Aristotle, Kant and Piaget, in order to identify in such authors contributions to bring to the floor a problematic which is crucial to the sphere of moral education, namely, ¡°becoming the master of yourself¡±. Despite the temporal distance and theoretical differences among those three authors, we consider that their approaches converge to defend the need to develop in individuals the ability to master themselves. Such mastering allows the subject to contest the immediacy of his wishes and is a condition to reach a satisfactory level of coherence between moral judgment and action. Ultimately, when related to the field of moral education, this problematic points to the need to educate subjects, so as to create the conditions for them to regulate themselves morally. %K Mastering oneself. Character. Decentralization. Will. Self-regulation. %U http://seer.bce.unb.br/index.php/linhascriticas/article/view/6071/5762