%0 Journal Article %T A pesquisa de interven o psicopedag車gica: evid那ncias sobre o ensinar e aprender matem芍tica = Psycho-pedagogic intervention research: evidence of mathematics teaching and learning %A Regina da Silva Pina Neves %A Maria Helena F芍vero %J Linhas Cr赤ticas %D 2012 %I Universidade de Bras赤lia %X Adotamos a pesquisa de interven o psicopedag車gica de F芍vero (2001a, 2005a) focando os fracion芍rios, os racionais e as compet那ncias mediacionais. Trabalhamos com uma estudante do ensino fundamental e graduandos em matem芍tica e pedagogia, em sess es de interven o articulando: avalia o das compet那ncias e dificuldades, planejamento e avalia o da natureza das media es, a es e nota es.A interven o psicopedag車gica engendrou a constru o de conceitos e a tomada de consci那ncia das pr芍ticas mediacionais. Discutimos sua pertin那ncia na compreens o da media o, da nota o e implica es para a matem芍tica da educa o b芍sica e avalia o; as Diretrizes Curriculares das licenciaturas em matem芍tica e pedagogia;a pesquisa na forma o de professores.We have adopted F芍vero*s psycho-pedagogic intervention research (2001a, 2005a) focusing on fractional numbers, rational numbers, and meditational competencies. We worked with an elementary school student and undergraduate mathematics and education students in intervention sessions, articulating: the evaluation of competencies and difficulties, planning and evaluation of the nature of mediations, and actions and notations. Psycho-pedagogic intervention engendered the construction of concepts and the awareness of mediation practices. We discuss its relevance in the understanding of mediation and notation, and its implications in elementary education mathematics and evaluation; the curricular guidelines for mathematics and education teacher training undergraduate courses; and research in the context of teacher training. %K Interven o psicopedag車gica %K Matem芍tica %K Compet那ncias conceituais %K Psycho-pedagogic intervention %K Mathematics %K Conceptual competences %U http://seer.bce.unb.br/index.php/linhascriticas/article/view/6824/5494