%0 Journal Article %T A nova regula o educacional e o trabalho docente na p車s-gradua o brasileira = The new educational regulations and faculty work in Brazilian graduate courses %A Olga赤ses Cabral Mau谷s %A William Pessoa da Mota Junior %J Linhas Cr赤ticas %D 2011 %I Universidade de Bras赤lia %X O texto apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que busca identificar as poss赤veis rela es entre a nova regula o educacional e o trabalho docente na p車s-gradua o stricto sensu no Brasil. O Sistema CAPES de avalia o 谷 central na pesquisa, buscando-se por meio da an芍lise de documentos dessa ag那ncia e de revis o bibliogr芍fica dos trabalhos apresentados nas 迆ltimas reuni es nacionais da ANPEd identificar as repercuss es que o atual sistema de avalia o da p車s-gradua o est芍 trazendo para o trabalho dos professores na p車s-gradua o. A intensifica o do trabalho, o adoecimento e a dissemina o do produtivismo acad那mico s o algumas tend那ncias que se consolidam em termos de mudan as na materialidade e subjetividade do trabalho docente.This study presents the results of a literature and documental review aiming at identifying the possible relationships between the new educational regulations and faculty work in stricto sensu graduate programs in Brazil. This work focuses on CAPES*(Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel) evaluation system. Through an analysis of the documents of said research foundation and a literature review of the works presented at the last national meetings of ANPEd (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education), the goal of this study was to identify the repercussions of the evaluation system of graduate courses on the faculty work in graduate programs. The results indicate that increased work, illnesses, and the dissemination of an academic emphasis on production are some of the trends that have consolidated as changes in the materiality and subjectivity of faculty work. %K Regula o Educacional %K Trabalho Docente %K Avalia o %K Education Regulation %K Faculty work %K Evaluation %U http://seer.bce.unb.br/index.php/linhascriticas/article/view/5700/4712