%0 Journal Article %T Estrategias para mejorar el impacto de las publicaciones indexadas en Publindex, ISI, Scopus y SciELO: el caso de la Universidad Santo Tom¨¢s, Colombia %A Juli¨¢n Andr¨¦s Pacheco %A Alejandra Hurtado Tarazona %J Hallazgos %D 2013 %I Universidad Santo Tom¨¢s %X This research article, which comes from a bibliometric analysis,had as purpose to determine the number of publicationsby professors at Universidad Santo Tom¨¢s, (USTA), Colombiain indexation databases such as ISI Scopus, SciELO andPublindex. Through different statistical data, gathered fromreports of the major indexation systems, was analyzed the impactof USTA publications at national and international leveland some strategies were outlined to improve current shareof the university¡¯s professors in foreign indexation systems.From this perspective, this document sets the importance ofcataloging publication from higher education institutions ininternational indexation and summary systems, along withdifferent ways of ensuring impact factor of a specific author,among other criteria for the inclusion of scientific productionin the community of knowledge. %K indexation %K ISI %K Scopus %K USTA %K Publindex %K scientific journals. %U http://revistas.usta.edu.co/index.php/hallazgos/issue/view/80