%0 Journal Article %T Review: TEACHERS VOICES 8: EXPLICITLY SUPPORTING READING AND WRITING IN THE CLASSROOM %A Sarah Ahern %J Literacy and Numeracy Studies %D 2011 %I UTS ePRESS %X EDITED BY ANNE BURNS AND HELEN DE SILVA JOYCE National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2005, 77pp, ISBN 1 74138 103 7 This is the most recent book in a series that deals with teaching and learning in the classroom. The specific focus of this book is the explicit support of reading and writing in adult ESL teaching, investigated through classroom projects within the framework of an action research approach. It consists of three sections: the first outlines the theoretical ideas underpinning the book, the second deals with the nature of action research, and the third and longest section presents the participating teachers¡¯ own accounts of their research projects. It is accompanied by a DVD containing excerpts of their classroom teaching. %U http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/lnj/article/view/2210