%0 Journal Article %T Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) en adolescentes farmacodependientes de una fundaci車n de rehabilitaci車n colombiana. Estudio descriptivo Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Adolescent Addicts of a Colombian Rehabilitation Foundation. Descriptive Study %A 車scar Adolfo Medina-P谷rez %A Luz Adriana Rubio %J Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatr赤a %D 2012 %I Asociacion Colombiana de Psiquiatria %X Objetivo: Caracterizar el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) en poblaci車n farmacodependiente, en una fundaci車n dedicada a la rehabilitaci車n en el Quind赤o, Colombia. M谷todos: Investigaci車n de car芍cter cuantitativo-descriptivo. Se sistematizaron los formularios VESPA (vigilancia epidemiol車gica para uso indebido de sustancias psicoactivas) de las personas que ingresaron a la instituci車n entre los a os 2006 y 2009. Resultados: En el periodo estudiado se atendieron 333 adolescentes entre 14 y 18 a os; 75,4% hombres; 31,2% solo posee estudios primarios; 56% manifest車 no tener empleo y 34,5% se al車 que ingres車 a la fundaci車n por indicaci車n legal. La SPA de entrada fue: 44,2% tabaco, 25,8% marihuana, 18,0% alcohol y 5,7% coca赤na. Los hombres iniciaron, en promedio, a los 12,33 a os de edad, y las mujeres, a los 11,96 a os. Las sustancias reportadas presentaron los siguientes promedios de inicio: 12,26 a os, alcohol; 12,49, tabaco; 13,39, marihuana; 13,98, inhalantes; 14,01, coca赤na; 14,27, bazuco y 15,0, hero赤na. La edad media de ingreso a la instituci車n fue de 15,7 a os. Conclusiones: Las cifras encontradas ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de hacer mayores y mejores programas de prevenci車n del consumo de SPA en adolescentes y ni os. Objective: To describe the use of psychoactive substances (PAS) in addict population between 14 and 18 years of a foundation devoted to rehabilitation in the Department of Quind赤o, Colombia. Methods: Quantitative-descriptive research. The VESPA (Epidemiological surveillance for psycho-active substance abuse) Forms of the people admitted to the institution between 2006 and 2009. Results: During the study, 333 adolescents between 14 and 18 were attended. 75.4% were men, only 31.2% had primary education, 56% reported being unemployed, and 34.5% stated they were admitted at the foundation after legal indication. Upon admission, the PAS was: 44.2%, tobacco; 25.8%, marijuana; 18.0%, alcohol and 5.7% cocaine. The average starting age for men was 12.33, while for women was 11.96; reported substances showed the following starting averages: alcohol, 12.26 ys old; tobacco, 12.49 ys old; marijuana, 13.39 ys old; inhalants, 13.98 ys old; cocaine, 14.01 ys old; crack, 14.27 ys old; and heroin, 15 ys old. The average admission age to the institution was 15.7 ys old. Conclusions: Figures found highlight the need for greater and better prevention programs regarding PAS abuse in adolescents and children. %K Abuso de sustancias %K epidemiolog赤a %K factores de riesgo %K salud p迆blica %K Colombia %K adolescentes %K Substance abuse %K epidemiology %K risk factors %K public health %K Colombia %K adolescents %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-74502012000300007