%0 Journal Article %T Influence of Superconductor Fault Current Limiter on Transformers Lifetime %J International Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Technology %D 2012 %I Austrian E-Journals of Universal Scientific Organization %R ludmilla feoderavna %X In this article the impact of the superconducting current limiter and reducing the incidenceof stress single phase short circuit has been analyzed with this method and conventionalmethod of current limiting resistance has been compared. For this purpose a saturated corehigh temperature superconducting current limiter model considered and its effects on networkperformance in different modes has been studied. PSCAD software for simulating thenetwork is used. %K Power transformers %K Short circuit forces %K Superconducting current limiter %K High temperature superconducting %U http://aeuso.org/Archives/Vol.2/Vol.2(4),%20Jul,%202012/Influence%20of%20Superconductor%20Fault%20Current%20Limiter%20on.pdf