%0 Journal Article %T Pedagogical and Didactic Fundamentals of School Physical Education: Pillars of Unit or Debris of Fragmentation? Los Fundamentos Pedag車gicos y Did芍cticos de Educaci車n F赤sica Escolar pilares de una unidad o escombros de una fragmentaci車n? Os Fundamentos Pedag車gicos e Did芍ticos da Educa o F赤sica escolar: pilares de uma unidade ou escombros de uma fragmenta o? %A Ricardo Crisorio %J Pensar a Pr芍tica %D 2008 %I Universidade Federal de Goi芍s %R 19806183/rpp.v11i1.2594 %X This research work was based on an interview about the relations of Pedagogy and Didactics conducted with Dr. Alfredo Furl芍n, an Argentinian pedagogue exiled in Mexico since 1974. This work discusses the idea that such subjects constitute, or should constitute, some form of fundamental to physical education as an educational subject. It suggests a horizontal debate among specialists and discourses that articulate theories and practices which are better placed, more local, less global and less abstract than what one tends to presume when theory and practice are discussed as totalizing categories. Without forgetting local concrete tasks that exist in the syllabus, this research work emphasizes that physical education at school has the importance of a finished project, being part of the set of contents that a school selects to be taught. It poses the issue of topic selection and its distribution as a main problem in the construction of a syllabus: discussing which contents (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) need to be guaranteed before defining the competences that currently attract the attention of technocrats; establishing limits and landmarks for a subject to work under its own identity or the ※organizing§ divisions such technocrats are so fond of. Keywords*: Pedagogy 每 didactics 每 traditions 每 subjects 每 syllabus 每 contents 每 discourses. Con base en una entrevista sobre las relaciones entre la Pedagog赤a y Did芍ctica, realizada con el Dr. Alfredo Furl芍n, pedagogo argentino exiliado y radicado en M谷xico desde 1974, el presente trabajo discute la idea de que estas asignaturas constituyan o deban constituir alg迆n tipo de fundamento para Educaci車n F赤sica como disciplina educativa. Propone, un debate horizontal entre especialistas y discursos que articulan teor赤as y pr芍cticas mucho m芍s situadas, m芍s locales, menos universales y menos abstractas que lo que se tiende a suponer cuando se habla de la teor赤a y la pr芍ctica como si fueran categor赤as totales. Enfatiza, sin olvidar el lugar y las tareas concretas, curricularmente existentes, que Educaci車n F赤sica tiene en la escuela, la importancia del proyecto completo, del conjunto del contenidos que la escuela selecciona para transmitir. Plantea, como problema principal de la construcci車n de un curriculum, la selecci車n de los temas y su distribuci車n: discutir qu谷 contenidos (conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes) es necesario garantizar, antes que definir las competencias que hoy por hoy, concentran la atenci車n de los tecnocratas, establecer los l赤mites y marcas para que una disciplina funcione con identidad propia o %K Pedagogia %K Did芍tica %K tradi es %K disciplinas %K curr赤culo %K conte迆dos %K discursos %U http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/fef/article/view/2594