%0 Journal Article %T Packet Retransmission and Delay Assessment of Spatial Diversity-Enabled Reliable Wireless Industrial Networks %J International Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Technology %D 2012 %I Austrian E-Journals of Universal Scientific Organization %R arthur m. blake %X Most important parameters in Industrial Communication Networks are packet delayand reliability. In this paper, packet delay and retransmission characteristics of MultipleInput Multiple Output (MIMO)-enabled wireless industrial networks using a simpleSpatial-Diversity (SD) scheme in physical layer has been analyzed. Results show that dueto the low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in factory environment, simple modulationschemes with lower spectral efficiency have better delay performance and the defaultretry-limit parameter of 7 will satisfy the reliability of about 100%. Otherwise, the delaywill be highly sensitive to SNR, packet payload, number of competing nodes and otherparameters %K Wireless Industrial Network %K Spatial Diversity %K Packet Delay %K Packet Reliability %K IEEE 802.11 %U http://aeuso.org/Archives/Vol.2/Vol.2(3),%20Apr,%202012/Packet%20Retransmission%20and%20Delay%20Assessment%20of%20Spatial%20Diversity.pdf