%0 Journal Article %T Tetanus immunization: perception of residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Western India %A Dhande Priti P %A Beri Shirish G %A Patel Hardik R %J International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences %D 2013 %I Sumathi Publications %R 10.5958/j.2319-5886.2.2.022 %X Background: Prevention of tetanus is far easier than its treatment where mortality is very high. Most cases of tetanus occur due to lack of proper vaccination against the disease and incomplete immunization on exposure. Residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital constitute the first contact physicians for patients. Aim: To assess the perception about Tetanus immunization among residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital of Pune city. Methodology: A pre tested questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge & recommendations about tetanus immunization among randomly selected 157 residents. Results: 73.25% residents were not aware of the number of doses of tetanus vaccine recommended for children under the age of 16 years. Around 50% residents were not aware of the recommended number of doses of tetanus vaccine for adults over the age of 16 years and during pregnancy. Nearly 60% of the residents considered the wound after every injury to be tetanus prone. 75.8% of residents thought burn injuries to be prone to the development of tetanus while 13.4% and 36.9% of the residents did not consider animal bite and human bite to be tetanus prone respectively. 99.4% residents considered tetanus toxoid administration in wound with rusted iron. The knowledge regarding tetanus immunization in relation to the wound categories depending on the immunization status of the patients was very poor amongst the residents. Conclusion: Better awareness and adherence of tetanus prophylaxis recommendations is needed in residents who are the first tier of health care providers in teaching hospitals. %K Tetanus %K immunization %K awareness %U http://ijmrhs.com/vi2/1.7%20Tetanus%20immunization%20Perception%20of%20residents%20in%20a%20tertiary%20care%20teaching%20hospital%20in%20Western%20India.pdf