%0 Journal Article %T Kinetics of DNA methylation inheritance by the Dnmt1-including complexes during the cell cycle %A Eric Hervouet %A Arulraj Nadaradjane %A Marine Gueguen %A Fran£¿ois M Vallette %A Pierre-Fran£¿ois Cartron %J Cell Division %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1747-1028-7-5 %X P-LISA, sequential chromatin immunoprecipitation and quantitative methylation specific PCR revealed that the Dnmt1/PCNA/UHRF1-including complexes are mainly formed and recruited on DNA during the S-phase of cell cycle, while the formation and the DNA recruitment of several Dnmt1/transcription factors-including complexes are not S-phase dependent but are G0/G1 and/or G2/M phases dependent.Our data confirm that DNA methylation inheritance occurs in S-phase, and demonstrate that DNA methylation inheritance can also occur in G0/G1 and G2/M phases of the cell cycle.DNA methylation playing a crucial role in the regulation of gene transcription, genomic imprinting, genomic stability, and ¡Á chromosome inactivation, its inheritance is essential for the cellular biology and viability because aberrant DNA methylation and targeted disruption of DNA methyltransferase enzymes result in tumorigenicity, lethality or mitotic catastrophe [1-5]. We and others have recently demonstrated that the majority of genomic methylation inheritance is catalyzed by the Dnmt1/PCNA/UHRF1-including complex since its disruption promote global DNA hypomethylation [4,6-8]. Nevertheless, other Dnmt-including complexes can catalyze the genomic DNA methylation inheritance. More generally, the majority of Dnmt1-including complexes are implicated in the inheritance of DNA methylation since Dnmt1 is responsible for maintaining genomic methylation, even if other Dnmt-including complexes could catalyzed maintenance DNA methylation reactions [9,10].Recently, we reported that the Dnmt1/transcription factors-including complexes act as an alternative mechanism of DNA methylation inheritance to the mechanism performed by the Dnmt1/PCNA/UHRF1-including complex [11]. To complement this point, we here investigated the dynamic of formation of several of these complexes during the cell cycle. Proximity Ligation In Situ Assay (P-LISA) and ApoTome technology confirmed that the Dnmt1/PCNA/UHRF1-including complex is mainly %K Epigenetic %K DNA methylation %K Dnmt1 %K cell cycle %U http://www.celldiv.com/content/7/1/5