%0 Journal Article %T Clinical study of causative microbial agents of suppurative keratitis cases in rural area %A Suryawanshi Gaurav S %A Khindria Ashish %J International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences %D 2013 %I Sumathi Publications %X The epidemiological pattern and causative agents for suppurative corneal ulcer vary significantly from region to region so it is important to determine the regional etiology for diagnosis and management. A prospective study was conducted to find out the specific microbial agents responsible for suppurative keratitis. 62 patients of keratitis were included in the study. Male patients (58.06%) above 40 years (69.35%), farmers (61.29%) by occupation were commonly involved. The commonest ulcer was fungal (35.48%) &the causative microorganism found on culture was Aspergillus (48.48%). In bacterial ulcer,Staphylococcus aureus (38.70%) &Pseudomonas (19.35%) were isolated as the responsible microbial agents %K Corneal ulcer %K Fungal keratitis %U http://ijmrhs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Gaurav-et-al.pdf