%0 Journal Article %T Sport jako perspektivn¨ª potenci¨¢l rozvoje zam¨§stnanosti v EU [Sport as a prospective potentional for employment in the EU states] %A Vladim¨ªr Hobza %A Tom¨¢£¿ Dohnal %J T¨§lesn¨¢ Kultura %D 2008 %I Palacky University %X Zam¨§stnanost a ekonomicky r st jsou dv¨§ma nejd le it¨§j ¨ªmi c¨ªli, sledovanymi v r¨¢mci Lisabonsk¨¦ strategie, pomoc¨ª n¨ª by se z Evropy v dal ¨ªch letech m¨§l st¨¢t celosv¨§tov¨§ nejdynami t¨§j ¨ª a nejkonkurenceschopn¨§j ¨ª ekonomicky region. Vl¨¢dy jednotlivych zem¨ª doposud pln¨§ nerozpoznaly pror stovy a zam¨§stnanostn¨ª potenci¨¢l, ktery skryvaj¨ª dopady sportu a pr myslu voln¨¦ho asu. Jejich vyhodnocen¨ª je velmi slo it¨¦ a p esto, e byly mnoh¨¦ analyzy ve vysp¨§lych zem¨ªch sv¨§ta publikov¨¢ny, jejich praktick¨¦ vyu it¨ª je teprve na po ¨¢tku. Prost ednictv¨ªm vybranych oblast¨ª jsou dokumentov¨¢ny p ¨ªpadov¨¦ studie potenci¨¢ln¨ªho rozvoje zam¨§stnanosti iniciovan¨¦ rozvojem sportu. Mo ny vliv na potenci¨¢l zam¨§stnanosti a uplatn¨§n¨ª na trhu pr¨¢ce se tak¨¦ staly jedn¨ªm z vyznamnych faktor tvorby novych curricul oboru rekreologie, kter¨¦ jsou zpracov¨¢v¨¢ny v souvislosti s projektem Evropskych soci¨¢ln¨ªch fond . [Employment and economic growth are monitored as two of the most important goals within the Lisbon strategy, which should make Europe the world's most dynamic and competitive region in the coming years. Governments of member states have not yet fully recognized the growth and employment potential of sport and leisure time industry. The valuation is very complicated and even though some analyses were already published in developed countries, the practical use is at the beginning. Case studies prove potential growth of employment in selected fields initiated by development of sport and leisure time industry. These fields include tourism, production and selling of sport equipment, services (physical condition), sport events, professional sport, media etc. The Czech Republic has an employment in sport of 0,3% which is just and average within the EU. Europe will need around 800 000 to 1 million professional experts for sport and leisure time. Considering this, all related fields of study in sport and free time management are very perspective. In the current dynamic environment, it is necessary to look closer to fields that were not yet fully used for employment and to establish new professions for fulfilling new needs, which will have an additional effect on employment. Therefore the employment potential with asserting oneself on the labour market has become one of significant factors in creating new curricula in recreology. The new curricula are prepared in connection with the project of European social funds.] %K Sport %K zam¨§stnanost %K odv¨§tv¨ª voln¨¦ho asu %K ivotn¨ª styl %K rekreologie %U http://www.telesnakultura.upol.cz/index.php/telesnakultura/article/view/8