%0 Journal Article %T Service Provider Revenue Dependence of Offered Number of Service Classes %A V. Radonji£¿ %A V. S. A£¿imovi£¿-Raspopovi£¿ %J Telfor Journal %D 2011 %I Telecommunications Society, Academic Mind %X In this paper possible applications of responsive pricing scheme and Stackelberg game for pricing telecommunication services with service provider as a leader and users acting as followers are analyzed. We have classified users according to an elasticity criterion into inelastic, partially elastic and elastic users. Their preferences are modelled through utility functions, which describe users¡¯ sensitivity to changes in the quality of service and price. In the proposed algorithm a bandwidth management server is responsible for performing automatic optimal bandwidth allocation to each user¡¯s session while maximizing its expected utility and the overall service provider¡¯s revenue. The pricing algorithm is used for congestion control and more efficient network capacity utilization. We have analyzed different scenarios of the proposed usage-based pricing algorithm. Particularly, the influence of the number of service classes on price setting in terms of service provider¡¯s revenue and total users¡¯ utility maximization are discussed. The model is verified through numerous simulations performed by software that we have developed for that purpose. %K service class %K user¡¯s elasticity %K Stackelberg equilibrium %K responsive pricing %U http://journal.telfor.rs/Published/Vol3No1/Vol3No1_A1.pdf