%0 Journal Article %T Projekt bewegte schule ¨C kola v pohybu [Project Bewegte Schule ¨C school in motion] %A Petr Vl£¿ek %J T¨§lesn¨¢ Kultura %D 2008 %I Palacky University %X Autor se ve sv¨¦m p ¨ªsp¨§vku v¨§nuje popisu projektu Bewegte Schule. Takto pojmenov¨¢na "nov¨¢" koln¨ª koncepce n¨§meckych kol, m¨¢ p in¨¦st pohyb a komplexn¨ª vychovu do kol. Z¨¢kladn¨ªmi pil¨ª i nov¨¦ho projektu jsou: 1. zdravy ivotn¨ª styl, 2. protidrogov¨¢ prevence a ekologie a 3. kvalitn¨ª nadstandardn¨ª vzd¨§l¨¢vac¨ª p¨¦ e o talentovan¨¦ i m¨¦n¨§ nadan¨¦ ¨¢ky. Koncept koly v pohybu je rozd¨§len do n¨§kolika ¨¢st¨ª, kterymi jsou koln¨ª t ¨ªda, vestibul, koln¨ª dv r, sezen¨ª a pracovn¨ª postup, vyuka, p est¨¢vka tr¨¢ven¨¢ pohybovymi aktivitami, p edm¨§t t¨§lesn¨¢ vychova a nab¨ªdka mimo koln¨ªch pohybovych aktivit. C¨ªle koly v pohybu jsou: 1. nab¨ªdnout co nejv¨ªce mo nost¨ª k pohybovym aktivit¨¢m, 2. vytvo it prost ed¨ª, kde pohybov¨¦ aktivity maj¨ª vysoky kredit, 3. obohatit pohybovymi aktivitami koln¨ª den ¨¢k , 4. pom¨¢hat ¨¢k m p ijmout pohybovou aktivnost jako sou ¨¢st ivotn¨ªho stylu. Pozn¨¢n¨ª procesu inovace koln¨ªho vzd¨§l¨¢v¨¢n¨ª v jin¨¦ zemi m e byt u ite n¨¦ p i realizaci koncept r¨¢mcovych vzd¨§l¨¢vac¨ªch program a p i aktu¨¢ln¨ª tvorb¨§ koln¨ªch vzd¨§l¨¢vac¨ªch program . Vysledky na ¨ª pr¨¢ce mohou p isp¨§t ke zvy en¨ª informovanosti ¨² astn¨ªk reforem vzd¨§l¨¢v¨¢n¨ª v esk¨¦ republice a umo nit tak u init inovativn¨ª kroky, kter¨¦ povedou ke zkvalitn¨§n¨ª vzd¨§l¨¢vac¨ªho procesu v na ¨ª republice. [In his article the author describes the project "Bewegte Schule". So-called the "new" school conception of German schools should bring physical and complex education to schools. The essential pillars of this new project are: 1) the healthy lifestyle 2) drug prevention and ecology and 3) first-rate, beyond standard educational attendance of more or less talented pupils. The draft of "the school in motion" is divided into several parts, which are the classroom, the hall, the schoolyard, the sitting position and working progression, teaching, physically-active breaks, the school subject PE and an off er of out-of school physical activities. The aims of "the school in motion" are: 1) to off er as many physical activities as possible, 2) to create a world with high-credit physical activities, 3) to enrich the school day for pupils of physical activities, 4) to help pupils to accept the physical activity as a part of their lifestyle. The knowledge about educational innovations in diff erent countries can be useful for realization of the frame educational programs and for creation of the school educational programs. The results of our work can help to inform the participants of the educational reforms in the Czech Republic and to support the innovation steps, which lead to high-quality educational process in our country. %K kola %K pohyb %K koln¨ª prost ed¨ª %K aktivn¨ª p est¨¢vka %K t¨§lesn¨¢ vychova %K mimo koln¨ª pohybov¨¦ aktivity %U http://www.telesnakultura.upol.cz/index.php/telesnakultura/article/view/11