%0 Journal Article %T Biological activities of some Fluoroquinolones-metal complexes %A Akinremi C.A %A Obaleye J.A %A Amolegbe S.A %A Adediji J.F %J International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research %D 2012 %I Michael Joanna Publications %X Background: Metal ions play a vital role in the design of more biologically active drugs. Aim: The paper reviewed the antimicrobial, toxicological and DNA cleavage studies of some synthesized metal complexes of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. and Methods: Literature searches were done using scientific databases. Results: Computer search was used to reveal relevant studies. Spectrophotometric and X-ray analyses of the metal complexes have revealed the bi-dentate coordination of fluoroquinolone ligand to the metal through the ring carbonyl and one of the carboxylic oxygen atoms. Most of the metal complexes showed comparable activities and in some cases greater activity against tested organisms. On the toxicological tests carried out, some of the metal complexes had less adverse effect on the body tissues studied compared to the parent drugs. The DNA cleavage studies revealed the possibility of the metal-fluoroquinolone complexes destabilizing linear double stranded DNA. Conclusion: The reviewed metal complexes of fluoroquinolones have the potential of being used as drugs. %K Ciprofloxacin %K fluoroquinolone %K metal %K antimicrobial %K toxicology %U http://www.ijmbr.com/reviewed/1.1.5.pdf