%0 Journal Article %T Estudos medi¨¢ticos da Publicidade e Estudos Liter¨¢rios: di¨¢logos intertextuais da Literatura na Publicidade %A Eneus Trindade Barreto Filho %A L¨ªvia Silva de Souza %J Revista Comunica£¿£¿o Midi¨¢tica %D 2011 %I S?o Paulo State University %X The interaction of literature and advertising is present in the history of marketing books and numerous academic papers. However, few studies depart for a discussion of adjustments between scientific fields at the intersection of the areas of Arts and Communication. From this perspective, this paper seeks to present alternatives to the dialogue between media studies applied to Advertising and Literary Studies, while interacting fields of scientific research. %K Literature %K Advertising %K Dialogism %K Intertextuality %K Transtextuality. %U http://www.mundodigital.unesp.br/revista/index.php/comunicacaomidiatica/article/view/83/62