%0 Journal Article %T A colagem como processo criativo: da arte moderna ao motion graphics nos produtos midi¨¢ticos audiovisuais %A Herom Vargas %A Luciano de Souza %J Revista Comunica£¿£¿o Midi¨¢tica %D 2011 %I S?o Paulo State University %X The article is a study on the use of collage to demonstrate the importance of this aesthetic procedure in the motion graphics language in contemporary audiovisual. From the avant-garde in the early twentieth century, through cinema and television, collage became one of the hallmarks of digital languages in the last 20 years witch justifies the reflection around its roots and characteristics, its current developments and the creative possibilities it holds. %K Collage %K Motion graphics %K Audiovisual %K Experimentation %U http://www.mundodigital.unesp.br/revista/index.php/comunicacaomidiatica/article/view/133/83