%0 Journal Article %T Jornalismo colaborativo, g¨ºneros jornal¨ªsticos e crit¨¦rios de noticiabilidade %A Carlos Alberto Zanotti %J Revista Comunica£¿£¿o Midi¨¢tica %D 2010 %I S?o Paulo State University %X The presence of laymen aiding the journalist, as a report commenter or informant, is not necessarily a new phenomenon in the area of communications. That condition, opposed to what is proposed by one of the main concepts for Collaborative Journalism, has not been altered despite the spread of the technologies that move the Information Society. A survey in Campinas (one of the most developed cities in Brazil) daily newspaper and its website shows that readers and surfers just fit into the narrow limits imposed on their intervention in the news production and circulation. The absence of mechanisms to better exploit the collaborative practice tends to delegitimize journalism as a producer of essential information for life in society, undermining the financial support basis for an activity that is intrinsic to the exercise of democracy. %K Collaborative journalism %K Journalism and internet %K Entanglement in journalism %U http://www.mundodigital.unesp.br/revista/index.php/comunicacaomidiatica/article/view/25/8