%0 Journal Article %T TRIAL TO CULTIVATE AND ISOLATE NEURONAL LIKE CELLS FROM 7 DAYS OLD MICE BRAIN %A CORNELIA VINTILA %A ROXANA DANIELA VINTILA %A OANA GAVRILIUC %A VIRGIL PAUNESCU %J Lucrari Stiintifice : Zootehnie si Biotehnologii %D 2009 %I Facultatea de Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, Timisoara %X role to replace lost cells due to physiological turnover, injury, or disease and tosupport cell genesis contributing to the cell number homeostasis. Long time it wasthought that adult mammalian central nervous system doesn't possess any or fewregenerative capacity. Nowadays it was demonstrated that also in the brain thereare stem cells which have the capacity to differentiate into astocytes,oligodendrocytes and neurons.In few degenerative diseases the stem cells lose the regenerative capacity withconsequences in diminishing and loss of functional capacity. Stem cell therapyrepresents a novel and promising therapeutic approach to treatment of a variety ofdegenerative disease as multiple sclerosis. For this it is necessary that a efficientstem cell source can be found and secondary to be proven that these transplantablecells have differential potential into neural tissue.In order to be able to possess a stem cell source capable to build an implant it isnecessary to know the cultivation technology and also the instruments to prove theircapacity to differentiate into specific cells of the nervous system. These were themotives that enabled us to to try to harvest, cultivate and differentiate stem cellsfrom the murine central nervous system. %K neuronal stem cells %K neuronal like cells %K neurospheres %U http://usab-tm.ro/fileadmin/fzb/simpozion%202009/Volumul1/biotehnologii/Vintila%20C.pdf