%0 Journal Article %T THE INFLUENCE OF ALPHA AMYLASE ON THE QUALITY OF BREAD %A CHEREJI RODICA %A CRETESCU IULIANA %A CAPRITA RODICA %J Lucrari Stiintifice : Zootehnie si Biotehnologii %D 2008 %I Facultatea de Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, Timisoara %X This study determined the quality of bread obtained from the control sample flour (M) and the qualityof bread obtained from flour with addition of 3 different percentages of alpha amylase (P1-280000U.SKB/ 100kg flour; P2-560000 U.SKB/ 100kg flour;P3-840000 U.SKB/ 100kg flour). Fungal alphaamylase was used in these concentrations in order to establish which one is the most suitable to beadded in flour in order to obtain superior quality characteristics for bread: superior volume of bread,finer texture of the bread, prolonging the freshness of the bread, improving the color and flavor of thebread, improving the slicing proprieties of the bread. %K bread %K alpha amylase %K quality parameters %U http://usab-tm.ro/fileadmin/fzb/PDF%202008/Volumul%201/Biotechnologies/Chereji-1.pdf