%0 Journal Article %T SD-AREE-I Cipher: Amalgamation of Bit Manipulation, Modified VERNAM CIPHER & Modified Caesar Cipher (SD-AREE) %A Somdip Dey %J International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science %D 2012 %I MECS Publisher %X This paper presents a new combined symmetric key cryptographic technique, which is generally an amalgamation of Bit Manipulation, generalized Modified Vernam Cipher, Single Bit Manipulation and Modified Caesar Cipher. The technique proposed here is basically an advanced and upgraded module of SD-AREE cryptographic method, which is based on Modified Caesar Cipher along with Bit Manipulation and the SD-AREE module is very useful in excluding any repetition pattern from a message that is to be encrypted. The proposed method, SD-AREE-I Cipher, is a complete cipher method and unlike its predecessor, SD-AREE, does not need to be added to other cryptographic methods to make those methods stronger. SD-AREE-I method is used to encrypt/decrypt different file formats and the results were very satisfactory. This method is unique and strong because the method contains feedback mechanism and generates new encrypted output every time even with slightest change in the input file (message). The proposed method can also be used for network security. %K Cryptography %K Repetition exclusion %K Bit Manipulation %K Decryption %K SD-REE %K SD-AREE %K Modified Caesar Cipher %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijmecs/ijmecs-v4-n6/v4n6-6.html