%0 Journal Article %T Nursery growth and development of commercial oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Tumaco, Colombia %A Rafael Reyes Cuesta %A Nubia Rodr¨ªguez Hern¨¢ndez %A Eduardo Pe£¿a Rojas %A Silvio Bastidas P¨¦rez %J Revista Corpoica : Cienca y Tecnolog¨ªa Agropecuaria %D 2008 %I Corpoica - Corporaci¨®n Colombiana de Investigaci¨®n Agropecuaria %X Growth and development were evaluatedunder nursery conditions for commercialD x P oil palm materials (Elaeis guineensisJacq.) belonging to four different origins. Allgenotypes showed harmonic growth amongall plant components evaluated. Bulb diameterand plant height observed statisticallysignificant differences among genotypes.Statistical significant differences were notdetected for total leaf area and leaf area index.However, for leaf dry matter accumulationand two of its component, rachis and leafletsdry weight, as well as for leaf number perplant, statistical significant differenceswere observed. On the other hand, for leafpetiole dry weight there were no significantdifferences among genotypes. These resultslikely suggest the existence of a proper speciesmechanism for specific organization of itsphotoassimilatory apparatus under specificenvironmental conditions. Nevertheless,the observed trend and growth pattern oneach material did not permit to point out aparticular genotype having the best growthpattern. Additionally, for all genotypes, bulbdiameter and plant height growth referencecurves equations were estimated following theY = a + bX general equation. Finally, equationswere validated and fit for leaf area estimationaccording to the formula AHE = C x (n x L x a)and a model for leaf dry weight estimation asPSHE = FC x (P x S). %K Oil palm %K plant physiology %K mathematical models %K dry matter %K allometry %U http://www.corpoica.org.co/SitioWeb/Archivos/Revista/Crecimientoenviverodematerialescomercialesdepalmaaceitera.pdf