%0 Journal Article %T Validaci車n del m谷todo de registro estimado para medir consumo de alimentos en Preescolares en Costa Rica Validation of record method to measure food consumption in preschool children, Costa Rica %A Sandra Tatiana Gamboa Gamboa %A Seily Mayela Moraga Salazar %A Anne Chinnock %J Revista Costarricense de Salud P迆blica %D 2011 %I Asociaci車n Costarricense de Salud P迆blica %X Objetivo: Validar el instrumento de Registro Estimado para medir el consumo de alimentos en 30 preescolares costarricenses. Metodolog赤a: Se trabaj車 con preescolares de Aserr赤 y Desamparados. Inicialmente se aplic車 el Registro Estimado de tres d赤as (m谷todo bajo prueba), y una semana despu谷s, se administr車 el m谷todo de Registro Diario de tres d赤as como m谷todo de comparaci車n. Para los valores estimados en el Registro Estimado y Diario se se utiliz車 comparaci車n de promedios (Prueba de T-student y Prueba de Wilcoxon) y pruebas de asociaci車n (Correlaci車n Pearson y Correlaci車n Spearman) Resultados: El Registro Estimado no presenta diferencias estad赤sticamente significativas con respecto al Registro Diario en la ingesta promedio de energ赤a y nutrientes a excepci車n del calcio y la vitamina A. 迆nicamente en el caso de la fibra diet谷tica, hierro, vitamina A, riboflavina, vitamina B12, 芍cido f車lico y niacina se encontr車 una correlaci車n entre ambos m谷todos. En cuanto al consumo de grupos de alimentos, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el caso de la mayor赤a de los grupos. Conclusi車n: El Registro Estimado se puede usar en lugar del Registro Diario para estimar la ingesta promedio de energ赤a y nutrientes en ni os preescolares a nivel grupal; no as赤 para estimar la ingesta a nivel del individuo. Objective: To validate an instrument for measuring estimated food consumption in 30 Costa Rican preschool children. Materials and methods: The work was done with preschool children from Aserri and Desamparados. The Estimated Record (method under test) was applied during three days, and one week later the Daily Record was applied during three more days as a method of comparison. For the analysis of the results of both methods were used the comparison of means (T-student test and the Wilcoxon test) and tests of association (Pearson correlation and Spearman Correlation). Results: The Registry Dear no statistically significant differences with respect to the Daily Record in the average intake of energy and nutrients except for calcium and vitamin A. Only in the case of dietary fiber, iron, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B12, folic acid and niacin found a correlation between both methods. On the consumption of food groups, no significant differences were found for most groups. Conclusion: Dear record can be used instead of the Daily Record to estimate the average intake of energy and nutrients in preschool children at the group level, not for estimating the intake at the individual level. Discussion: Dear Registry can be used instead of the Daily Record to estimate the %K Estudios de Validaci車n %K Conducta %K Validation Studies %K Feeding Behavior %K Food Consumption %K Child %K Preschool %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1409-14292011000100002