%0 Journal Article %T EFEITOS DO ULTRASSOM 3 MHz ASSOCIADO ¨¤ ATIVOS LIPOL¨ªTICOS NA ADIPOSIDADE INFRA-ABDOMINAL: ENSAIO CL¨ªNICO RANDOMIZADO %A Jana¨ªna Manh£¿es Chartuni %A L¨ªvia Santos Sossai %A C¨¢ssia Gomes Teixeira %J Perspectivas Online : Biol¨®gicas e Sa¨²de %D 2011 %I Institutos Superiores de Ensino do CENSA %X Localized lipodystrophy represents a regional accumulation of adipose tissue whose cells count on ¦Á1, ¦Á2and ¦Â adrenergic receptors which control lipolytic processes. Therapeutic ultrasonography has been shown as an efficient auxiliary resource in the reduction of measures, as well as in the elimination of localized fat onceits action can be effectively potentialized by phonoforesis. Ultrasonography mechanical and/or thermal effectpromotes modifications on the intercellular linkage and an increase in the cellular membrane permeability,what leads to a better diffusion of substances through the skin. Metilxantines (such as caffeine andaminofilin), besides being ¦Á1 blockers, also block phosphodiesterase, while ioimbin blocks ¦Á2, whatcontributes for the activation of adenylatecyclase and for lipolysis. The present study aimed to assess theeffects of 3MHz ultrasound associated to the use of lipolytic actives in the reduction of localized fat in theinfra-abdominal region. In a double-blind, longitudinal, randomized, and experimental clinic study, 27sedentary women with ages ranging from 18 to 30 y-o (without hormonal disturbs, and in current use ofcontraceptive medication) were enrolled. All voluntaries underwent a total of 12 sessions (3 times a week) ofphonoforesis with 2% caffeine, aminofilin and ioimbin each. The sample was divided in three groups: GroupUS ¨C 3MHz continuous ultrasound with gel and without lipolytic actives; Group US+Actives ¨C 3MHzcontinuous ultrasound with gel containing lipolytic actives; and Group CTRL ¨C unplugged 3MHz ultrasound(control group). The variables assessed were adipometry, perimetry, and pre- (1st session) and post- (12thsession) treatment ultrasound. Our findings exhibit post-treatment reductions both in infra-abdominaladipometry and perimetry for all groups when compared to pre-treatment values (p<0.05). No post-treatmentultrasonography scores were found to be different from pre-treatment values (p>0.05). Group US+Activesshowed differences in adipometry when compared to Group CTRL (p<0.05). Group US showed differencesin adipometry, perimetry and ultrasonography when compared to Group CTRL (p<0.05). According to thisstudy, It may be concluded that therapeutic 3MHz ultrasound associated to lipolytic actives is as effective inthe reduction of infra-abdominal adiposity as therapeutic ultrasonography alone was also significantlyfavorable. Control group subjects loss of weight may be due to uncontrolled changes in diet. %K therapy for ultrassom %K lipolytic actives %K phonoforesis %K lipolysis. %U http://www.seer.perspectivasonline.com.br/index.php/CBS/article/viewFile/18/8