%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯introduction de la m¨¦decine moderne dans le monde arabe The introduction of modern medicine in the Arab world: between time of urgency and time of learning (19th-20th centuries) %A Sylvia Chiffoleau %J Temporalit¨¦s %D 2012 %I Laboratoire Printemps %X L¡¯¨¦tat, colonial ou autochtone, a jou¨¦ un r le majeur dans le processus d¡¯occidentalisation du temps au XIXe si¨¨cle. Le champ de la sant¨¦ permet de suivre le processus par lequel de nouveaux dispositifs (¨¦cole de m¨¦decine, dispensaires, campagnes de vaccination et de lutte contre les ¨¦pid¨¦mies) introduisent non seulement un nouveau temps compt¨¦ par l¡¯horloge, la r¨¦gularit¨¦ des horaires de rendez-vous, mais aussi, de fa on plus abstraite, l¡¯id¨¦e de pr¨¦vention et l¡¯¨¦bauche d¡¯un souci de soi qui permet de se projeter dans l¡¯avenir pour pr¨¦server sa sant¨¦. The State, whether colonial or native, has played a key role in the process of westernization of time in the 19th century. The field of health allows us to observe the process through which new institutions like schools of medicine, clinics, vaccination campaigns and campaigns against epidemics introduce a new counted time and the regularity of schedules for appointments. In a more abstract way, it introduces the idea of prevention and a first idea of self care that allows the individual to project himself into the future, in order to preserve his health. %K time %K medicine %K epidemics %K vaccination %K acculturation %K temporal discipline %K prevention %K Egypt %K ottoman Empire %K Algerie %K temps %K Alg¨¦rie %K m¨¦decine %K ¨¦pid¨¦mies %K vaccination %K acculturation %K discipline temporelle %K pr¨¦vention %K ¨¦gypte %K empire ottoman %U http://temporalites.revues.org/2009