%0 Journal Article %T Preservaci車n de madera tratada con Zn y Mn y efectividad de tratamiento antilixiviante con b車rax Wood treated with Zn and Mn and effectiveness of treatment with borax to prevent leaching %A C Ib芍ˋez %A C Mantero %A L Silva %A M Rabinovich %J MADERAS : Ciencia y Tecnolog赤a %D 2012 %I Universidad del B赤o-B赤o %X Continuando con el estudio del uso de una soluci車n obtenida en un proceso de reciclado de bater赤as dom谷sticas como preservante para madera, se estableci車 un primer cementerio de estacas basado en la norma EN 252, que eval迆a la durabilidad adquirida por probetas de Pinus taeda L. Dicha soluci車n es 芍cida, contiene 32 g l-1 de Zn y 15 g l-1 de Mn como sulfatos, libre de metales pesados; en ensayos de laboratorio ha demostrado propiedades funguicidas e insecticidas espec赤ficos, a concentraciones menores a 3% en Zn (m芍xima concentraci車n obtenida del reciclado). A las probetas tratadas con la mencionada soluci車n por el m谷todo de c谷lula llena, se les realiz車 un tratamiento posterior antilixiviante con b車rax al 2%, por pincelado y por c谷lula. Se compar車 la durabilidad natural y la adquirida, con dicha soluci車n (con o sin b車rax), con arseniato de cobre cromatado (CCA) a dos retenciones. A 32 meses del inicio del ensayo, las concentraciones de Zn de 3% y mayores con el b車rax aplicado por el m谷todo de c谷lula llena son las m芍s efectivas. Se analizaron adem芍s los agentes de deterioro de madera (insectos, hongos y bacterias) presentes en las probetas. As part of the study of the application of a solution obtained from a domestic batteries recycling process as a wood preservative, a field stakes test was established to assess the acquired durability in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) specimens following the internationally accepted standard EN 252. This solution is acidic, containing 32 g l-1 Zn and 15 g l-1 of Mn as sulfates and free of heavy metals; in laboratory tests the solution proved to have specific fungicidal and insecticidal properties against organisms that degrade wood, at concentrations lower than 3% Zn (the highest concentration obtained from the recycling process). The specimens treated by the full cell method with the mentioned solution were afterwards treated with 2% in borax by the full cell method and by brushing in order to prevent leaching. Natural and acquired durability are compared using different concentrations of the studied solution as well as chromated copper arsenate (CCA) at two different retention levels. At 32 months, 3 % and higher concentrations of Zn and borax applied by full cell method showed to be the most effective. Main degrading agents (insects, fungi and bacteria) found in the specimens are also described. %K Zinc %K b車rax %K preservantes para madera %K manganeso %K cementerio de estacas %K Zinc %K borax %K wood preservers %K manganese %K stakes graveyard %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-221X2012000200004