%0 Journal Article %T Nest emergence of smooth softshell turtle (Apalone mutica) hatchlings %A Michael V. Plummer %J Herpetological Conservation and Biology %D 2007 %I Herpetological Conservation and Biology %X I collected eggs from natural nests of Apalone mutica and reburied them in artificial nests constructed in a largeoutdoor enclosure. Toward the end of a known incubation period, nests were videotaped continuously until hatchlingsemerged. Most hatchlings emerged within a short period during a single day. Individuals emerged quickly and singly andmaintained brisk movement on the surface after emergence. Emergence times were normally distributed around a mediantime that corresponded with local sunset. Turtles emerged on sunny days when both nest and surface temperatures werebelow 36ˇăC and on overcast days when nest and surface temperatures were relatively low and invariable. Timing of nestemergence has fitness consequences for hatchling freshwater turtles. %K Apalone mutica %K smooth softshell %K turtle %K hatchling %K nest %K sandbar %K incubation %U http://www.herpconbio.org/Volume_2/Issue_1/Plummer_2007.pdf