%0 Journal Article %T Microalgae community of the Huaytire wetland, an Andean high-altitude wetland in Peru Comunidade de microalgas do wetland Huaytire, uma ¨¢rea alagada de alta altitude nos Andes peruanos %A Gian Salazar-Torres %A Vera L¨²cia de Moraes Huszar %J Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia %D 2012 %I %X AIM: The diversity and distribution of microalgae communities in a high-altitude (3,000 to 4,500 m a.s.l) Andean wetland, regionally known as bofedal, were examined to assess seasonal and spatial patterns. METHODS: Samples were taken monthly from June to December, 2008 at 13 stations in the Huaytire wetland (16¡ă 54¡¯ S and 70¡ă 20¡¯ W), covering three areas (impacted by urban land use, impacted by camelid pasture, and non-impacted) and three climatologically induced periods (ice-covered, ice-melt and ice-free). RESULTS: A total of 52 genera of algae were recorded. Diatoms were the predominant group in abundance and richness. We found a significantly higher abundance during the ice-melting period, when light exposure and runoff were intermediate, in comparison to the ice-covered (low light and flushing) and ice-free (high light and low runoff) periods. Microalgae abundance was significantly lower in the non-impacted area compared to the sites close to the urban area and to the camelid pastures. Alpha diversity ranged from 8 to 29 genera per sample. High genera exchange was observed throughout the wetland, showing a similar floristic composition (beta diversity = 4%). CONCLUSIONS: We found that diatoms were dominant and adapted to the extreme conditions of the Andean wetland, showing higher abundance during the ice-melt period and in the livestock area. Also, taxa richness was higher in the ice-melt period and in the most-impacted areas. OBJETIVO: A diversidade e distribui o da comunidade de microalgas em uma ¨¢rea alagada nos Andes (3.000 a 4.500 m de altitude), regionalmente conhecido como bofedal, foram examinadas para avaliar seus padr es sazonais e espaciais. M¨¦TODOS: As amostras foram coletadas, mensalmente, de junho a dezembro de 2008, em 13 esta es no bofedal Huaytire (16¡ă 54¡¯ S e 70¡ă 20¡¯ W), abrangendo tr¨ºs ¨¢reas (impactada por a o urbana, impactada por pastagem de gado camel¨ªdeo e ¨¢rea n o impactada) e tr¨ºs per¨ªodos climatol¨®gicos (com cobertura de gelo, em processo de degelo e livre de gelo. RESULTADOS: Um total de 52 g¨ºneros de algas foi registrado. Diatom¨¢ceas foi o grupo predominante em abundancia e riqueza. Abundancia significativamente maior ocorreu durante o per¨ªodo de degelo, quando a exposi o ¨¤ luz e o escoamento foram de intensidades intermedi¨¢rias, em compara o com o per¨ªodo de cobertura com gelo (pouca exposi o ¨¤ luz e escasso escoamento) e com o per¨ªodo livre de gelo (alta exposi o ¨¤ luz alta e escasso escoamento). A abundancia de microalgas foi significativamente menor na ¨¢rea n o impactada, em compara o com as ¨¢reas, impactada %K altitude %K zonas h¨²midas %K Andes %K microalgas %K abundancia %K composi o %K high altitude %K wetlands %K Andes %K microalgae %K abundance %K composition %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2179-975X2012000300007