%0 Journal Article %T Las ¨®rdenes religiosas en espacio urbano colonial - Mendoza (Argentina). El caso de la la Compa ¨ªa de Jes¨²s %A Cirvini %A Silvia A. %J Hispania Sacra : Revista de Historia Eclesi¨¢stica %D 2012 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X The purpose of this article is to study the presence and the action of the regular clergy, in particular The Society of Jesus in Mendoza, which was a peripheral city and part of the Spanish empire in South America, from the urban history point of view. We recognize the Society of Jesus as a special and relevant character in Mendocinian colonial times because of the importance of their buildings and properties, their spatial location in the city and their connection with the community and the other members of the regular clergy. The Jesuits were the founders of the first school and the first public library. They were important providers of basic food such as beef and wheat, because they had an efficient network of productive establishments (farms, vineyards and mills) devoted to agricultural and livestock farming. These farms were situated not only in the oasis of Mendoza but also in the Uco Valley (which is the oasis of the Tunuy¨¢n River). Este art¨ªculo propone abordar desde la perspectiva de la historia urbana, la presencia y la acci¨®n del clero regular, y en particular la Compa ¨ªa de Jes¨²s en Mendoza, ciudad perif¨¦rica del Imperio espa ol en el cono sur latinoamericano. Un recorrido de sus edificios y propiedades, su ubicaci¨®n espacial en la ciudad, as¨ª como las conexiones con otros actores de la vida comunitaria y las otras ¨®rdenes religiosas nos permiten reconocer la manera en que la Compa ¨ªa de Jes¨²s se convirti¨® en un actor relevante del mundo colonial de Mendoza. Los jesuitas fueron los fundadores del primer colegio y la primera biblioteca p¨²blica que tuvo la ciudad, eran proveedores de alimentos b¨¢sicos como la carne y el trigo ya que poseyeron una eficiente red de establecimientos productivos (haciendas, vi as y molinos) dedicados a la actividad agr¨ªcola y ganadera, ubicados no s¨®lo en el oasis del R¨ªo Mendoza sino tambi¨¦n en el Valle de Uco (oasis del R¨ªo Tunuy¨¢n). %K regular clergy %K jesuits %K colonial city %K school %K Good Trip chapel %K Clero regular %K Jesuitas %K Ciudad colonial %K Colegio %K Capilla del Buen Viaje %U http://hispaniasacra.revistas.csic.es/index.php/hispaniasacra/article/view/323/324