%0 Journal Article %T METHODS AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE AESTHETIC ANALYSIS OF WORKS OF AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA CULTURE IN THE RUSSIAN MEDIA EDUCATION %A Chelysheva Irina Viktorinovna %J Magister Dixit %D 2012 %I Irkutsk State Linguistic University %X The article examines the methods and technologies of aesthetic analysis of works of audiovisual media culture. The author presents the basic regulations, forms and methods of analysis of media texts in aesthetic paradigm of media education, the main approaches to the analysis of media texts in the context of contemporary social and cultural development. %K media education %K methods of media education %K media text analysis %K the aesthetic concept. %U http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/esteticheskiy_analiz_0.pdf