%0 Journal Article %T Presencia en la Literatura Universal de charlatanes, sacamuelas y barberos Presence of quacks, tooth-pullers and barbers in the world literature %A Bernardo Manuel N迆ˋez P谷rez %A Hilda Aleida Peguero Morej車n %J Revista Cubana de Estomatologˋ-a %D 2012 %I Editorial Ciencias M谷dicas %X La Literatura Universal, fuente de informaci車n y conocimiento, medio para enriquecer el acervo cognoscitivo y cultural de los profesionales de la estomatolog赤a; recoge en sus p芍ginas las ra赤ces de esta profesi車n, manifestada en la labor que realizaron los charlatanes, sacamuelas y barberos, as赤 como el papel que jugaron en su construcci車n y desarrollo. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la presencia, en estas creaciones, de la actividad desarrollada por ellos. Se realiz車 la b迆squeda bibliogr芍fica en libros impresos y automatizados en Internet, Google Acad谷mico, para lo cual se usaron los descriptores charlatanes, sacamuelas, barberos, dientes, boca. Se consultaron quince obras y seleccionaron ocho en cuyas p芍ginas se recogen referencias al tema que nos ocup車. La informaci車n se organiz車 sobre la base del orden cronol車gico de los autores. El estudio de las obras de la Literatura Universal consultadas nos permiti車 reconocer excelentes descripciones de la actividad de los charlatanes, sacamuelas y barberos, los cuales constituyen ra赤ces hist車ricas de la labor de los profesionales de la estomatolog赤a. The world literature is a source of information and knowledge and a means of enhancing the cognitive and cultural stock of the dental professionals. Its pages collect the roots of this profession expressed in the work of quacks, tooth-pullers and barbers and their role in the creation and development of this discipline. The objective of this paper was to identify the presence of the activities carried out by them in these creations. Literature search was made in printed and computerized books and in the academic google on Internet, for which we used subject headings as quacks, tooth-pullers, barbers, teeth, mouth. Fifteen works were consulted; eight of them were selected for this paper since they made reference to this topic. The gathered information was organized by the chronological order of the authors. The study of these documents from the world literature allowed us to be aware of the excellent descriptions of the activities performed by quacks, tooth-pullers and barbers as part of the historical roots of the work of dental professionals. %K charlatanes %K sacamuelas %K barberos %K dientes %K boca %K quacks %K tooth-pullers %K barbers %K teeth %K mouth %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75072012000300006